Taylor Lahey

Taylor is an artist, children’s book author, and designer with a background in graphic design, branding, and animation.

He is a proud Bay Area, CA native living in Santa Cruz, CA. He is of mixed-race ancestry: Taiwanese-Chinese, Irish, and German.

His interests include community building, mentorship, storytelling, and being in nature.


Taylor Lahey Studio creates an inspired world through insight, storytelling, and leadership.


The Studio is based in Santa Cruz, California and is open to service and partnerships aligned to the following values or possess the following qualities:

1. Locality
The Studio seeks to partner with individuals and organizations where it is rooted, in Santa Cruz, CA.

2. Community
The Studio has a web of relationships that span the globe and believes that good people look after each other and make great things together.

3. Impact
The Studio seeks to partner with anyone of service to humanity and for the good of all beings. If you’re doing “The Work,” let’s talk.

  • Creative & Art Direction

  • Brand Identity

  • Logo Design

  • Graphic Design

    • Print, Web, and Social Media

  • Illustration

  • Content Creation

  • Experience and Event Design

Get in Touch

Send a note to The Studio to start a conversation about your project or idea.